Seven reasons why fly fishing is an awesome outdoor sport.

Fly fishing is an outdoor pursuit thought of as genteel and calm. Many folks associate it as the kind of activity you do in your twilight years when you want to take it easy. And it can be for sure. But there’s another side to it too…

A barbless emerger fly - one of the tools of the trade.

A barbless emerger fly - one of the tools of the trade.

A side that drives you to hike miles into the wilderness, dodging deadly wildlife in many places, to find water few others have fished. And that’s because there is just something so utterly captivating about watching a wily wild fish come up to the surface to take your fly. It makes all the hard yards worth it; and it never gets boring and neither do the beautful environments in which you fly fish.

A river somewhere…

A river somewhere…

Red Bull wanted to find more about why fly fishing is so thrilling. So, I took them out and they were instantly hooked. They explain exactly why HERE.

A wicked little wild brown trout

A wicked little wild brown trout

Big thanks goes out to Tayla Gentle and Kit Young who wrote and photographed this feature - it’s was stacks of fun working with you.